Datum - 04/05/2024 - 05/05/2024
Ganztägig Uhr
Hotel Danzer
Höhnharter Str. 19
5252 Aspach
Anmeldung und Infos unter: https://www.wcf-bestcat.de/show-detail/2304
Keine unverbindlichen Käfigreservierungen möglich.
All participating cats need to have a valid rabies vaccination that on the day of the show is not earlier vaccinated than 30 days.
– Veterinary control before entrance
Due to veterinary laws in Austria the following breeds are NOT ALLOWED to participate at the show:
– All hairless breeds (SPH, PDB, DSX)
– Scottish Fold/Straight in Shorthair/Longhair (SFS, SFS71, SFL, SFL71)
– Persian and Exotic Shorthair (PER, EXO)
– All Bobtail cats (ABS/ABL, JBT/JBL, KAS/KAL, KBS/KBL, PXS/PXL)
– American Curl Shorthair / Longhair (ACS, ACL)
– Manx (MAN)
– Minuet Shorhair / Longhair (MIN/MIL)
– Munchkin Shorthair / Longhair (MNS/MNL)
Also, cats of all breeds in dominant white color need to have a BAER (audiometry) test together on the show.
The show rules of WCF are valid.
Participation in OPEN CLASS and higher is only allowed if the cat is at least 10 months old at the days of the judging.
If you bring your own cage:
Each cat need to have a minimum of 50 x 50 x 50 cm space. The cage has to be opaque on 3 sides.
The club offers only double cages with 140×70 cm in which only 2 cats per double cage are allowed.
There are no single cages to use from the club.
– single judgement per cat/day: 26,00 EUR
– double judgement per cat/day: 18,00 EUR
– charge for 1 cat in a double cage per day: 18,00 EUR
– household cat per judgement/day: 20,00 EUR
– 1 litter (up to 3 kittens till 5 kittens per double cage) per day: 40,00 EUR
– cat out of competition per judgement/day: 16,50 EUR
– show catalogue (print): 7,50 EUR (mandatory copy)
– cleaning fee per day: 3,00 EUR
Entries need to be prepaid after receiving an invoice.
– WCF Ring: 15,00 EUR
– Master Ring: 15,00 EUR
– Double Master Ring: 20,00 EUR
– Triple Master Ring: 25,00 EUR
Rings need to be paid on spot at the show.
++ If canceled up to 3 weeks before the show date: 100% refund ++
++ If canceled up to 2 weeks before the show date: 70% refund ++
++ If canceled the same week the show will be: 0% refund ++
Responsible WCF club:
DE-0358 / CatManiac e.V.
Co-organizing WCF club:
AT-0106 / Katzenunion Österreich